We are not living in usual times, don’t work in usual ways - Future-proof your business

We are not living in usual times, don’t work in usual ways - Future-proof your business


The Corona virus has had a huge impact on all organizations – big and small, international and domestic. Some are struggling seriously while some are continuing with their business pretty much as before. Some are doing things differently and reinventing themselves and future-proofing their operations. One thing that is common for all, is that old ways and rules do not apply now. And especially so in in the future.

Agile giants

The key issue now is what makes companies operating in an open, global market successful. What gives them fuel to reinvent themselves? What gives them energy to evolve continuously?  

Many companies are seizing the moment and succeeding in growing their business substantially in this new environment. There are so many variables impacting companies, it is hardly fruitful to try to come up with a solution that would fit all in this “new normal” situation.  

An issue often raised concerns the organization’s size and complexity. Big corporations with complex matrix structures and strong silos can be seen as like big oil tankers that have harder time changing direction fast enough.  

Many think that big corporations with complex organizational structures change slowly, only small and entrepreneurial companies manage to do so.  

This type of generalisation oversimplifies the issue. There are examples of large, global players, who have adjusted their business agilely to changing circumstances and there are plenty of examples of smaller entrepreneurial companies hitting trouble. What counts, however, is how complex the corporate structure, roles and responsibilities are.  

If the company has a clear strategy, clear responsibilities and ability to make well-grounded decisions, people get involved and committed. They see new ways of working; see new possibilities this crisis has opened. 

Taking the step

In order to bring some value to the general discussion there is a need to look deeper into the situation. 

We are not living in usual times, so we need to rethink the ways we work and set new priorities.  

We need to be responsive, proactive and have a holistic view, turn adversity into opportunities, ensure that innovation and creativity are encouraged, engage and involve people into decision-making, create joint sense of purpose, and ensure that all this is taking place during the crisis.  

These are not new themes to companies. The real question that leaders should ask themselves is how future proof and agile their organization really is today. Have a new look at the organization and its capabilities and responsibilities, encouraging continuous learning, fresh thinking and unleashing full potential of its people. 

How is your company reinventing itself and what is your Corona exit strategy?



Antti Pöyhönen



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